
Based on the response to our Intro to Flyfishing Clinics, outside requests, as well as offering something to do on a cold winter’s day beside a roaring fire in the fireplace, the New River Wildlife & Conservation Club is glad to announce our offering of a workshop on fly tying. Taught by our own Rick Baker – noted outdoorsman and avid fly angler the Workshop will include:
An intro talk a little bit about different types of flies(dry, wet, nymph, midge, streamers, etc.)
A go over of the nomenclature or names for parts of a hook, the tying vise and tools and how they fit in with tying
A talk a little bit about tying materials and where and how to get them (all materials will be provided for the workshop)
Winding up getting each participant to tie their own a foam beetle which is an all–purpose fly – ending with an all-in-fun fly judging event where participants grade or judge each other’s fly and decide who has the best bug!!  Small prize for the winner.
If time permits or as a carryover to second session, we will also talk and/or demonstrate rigging a fly line with nymphs for double rigs, as well as using split shot and then do the egg pattern for a second fly. Could then also do short demo or session on rigs for fly fishing and maybe just a few knots.